Why How To Get A Girl To Send Nudes Succeeds

Why How To Get A Girl To Send Nudes Succeeds

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How was your learning process ??? Right now What will be photos for you ???

What Is Nudes

My first real photographic experience was back in high school when I borrowed a friend's camera so I could take pictures of my girlfriend. In some way I actually held onto that curiosity only. I managed to convince her to pose nude for me and I happened to take a few photos (largely by accident) that were quite beautiful and which I treasured for years. I didn't buy my initial "real" camera (a Pentax K1000) until 1991.

How To Smart Nudes

2 - Glamour and nude photography is one of the most interesting subjects
of photography. What is glamour and nude photos for you ???

How To Get Free Nudes

I really like the way girls look and I think they appear best without their clothes on and posed enticingly! When I started I thought, "how hard can it be?" and then I discovered that glamour and nudes are just like everything else - it's easy to do it badly. And it's hard to do it well enough that it looks like you made it easy. It just looks like a natural photo of a pretty girl without clothes on, but it's actually a highly constructed and compresented production. When you look at one of those pictures in Playboy you don't realize that you're looking at a huge amount of work, very fancy and sophisticated lighting, and tons of post-processing. When I was younger I was always a big fan of "girly art" (Frank Frazetta, Playboy, Vargas, Petty, etc) and it seemed pretty natural to want to try to make some of my own.

The word "glamour" in the old English means "casting a spell of seduction or enchantment." The Irish used to say that the faeries would cast a "glamour" over a person and they would see the world through an imaginary veil that deceived them with its beauty. You're trying to create an impression of something that isn't really there. So I think the phrase "glamour" is perfect for the kind of photography many of us do. If I can make them think an image was shot with natural light out of doors and it was shot in a parking garage with a flashlight, I've gotten the last laugh. For me part of the thrill will be to fool my viewer.

Why Do People Send Nudes

3 - Why do you think amateur and professional photographers and general
peoples are so seduced by the beauty of nude and glamour photography ???
Why this mysterious seduction ??? Why will be it in addition consequently disputed ???

Well, I think most people don't mind looking at an attractive member of their preferred sex, displayed to seduce and tease. We like sex. We're made that way. I remember someone once said that "the first use of any new medium is to exchange pornography." Glamour nudes are more sophisticated than pornography but it's just a matter of degree. I consider Fox Talbott's first photos were of a building and his second and third have been of a nude woman. There may be some communal individuals who, for religious or cultural reasons, can't handle seeing that, but if you look at prehistoric cave paintings, they show nude sex and people.

How To Pose For Nudes

The topic is hotly debated because a lot of people want to believe that when you take an intelligent, interesting person and turn them into an erotic image, that you've somehow reduced them in scope and denied them some of their interestingness. Some of the smartest, most interesting and cultured people I know would rather look at a copy of Playboy than go to an opera. I believe the entire dwill bepute is definitely stupid. Art fascinates me because it's one area where the artist's desire to express themself is absolute. Nobody can judge your art but yourself. One hopes that other people like your art, but only a very insecure artist can worry about being judged. It's just a question of personal preference but a lot of people want to see their preferences respected as somehow superior. Really, it comes down to benefit conclusions - I recognize which of my products will be sensible and exciting, I know which art provokes me to great thoughts and which art puts me to sleep. Other people desire to see art used for purposes that ennoble and elevate the human spirit. It would be as if I felt someone was somehow inferior if they liked one kind of music more than another. Some of us do both. That's just as ridiculous.

4 - You often shoot in color and then turn the images into BW. Is there any other reason to do it, any aesthetics, specialized or psychological factors possibly ? You say colors distract you when composing. ?? ?? Inform us a little even more about your connection with the BW image resolution and photos ?

How To Ask For Nudes

I started off shooting in BW because it was easier for me to develop and process it myself. But then We found that the style matched what I like - the simpler tonal range of grey scale is somehow easier for me to work with. I find color distracting - if I look through the viewfinder and see a field with a single bright red object in the middle, for some reason the color winds up immediately dominating my attention and I find up that the pictures I take become all about the combinations of contrasting colors in the viewfinder and not much else. I look at the same rock and it's completely uninteresting to me. My wife, for example, shoots in color. That's just a personal preference. I don't know why. She'll see a rock with green moss in all kinds of delicate shades of greens and blues and she gets very attracted by the combinations of colors.

5 - Is BW photography more difficult to hand, compose and process than color taking photographs ??? Why do so many pro and amateur photographers say that BW photography is more difficult than color ???

How To Get Nudes From A Girl

I think that's all nonsense. A lot of photographers say "X is hard" or "Y takes more skill than X" but usually what they mean is "We like Y and because I like it, I in the morning planning to appear down on the individuals who like something else. " I applied to indulge inside this discussion a whole whole lot on rec.photo in the early days of USENET. Some photography lovers would claim "dark and whitened will be delightfully top-quality to shade!" and I'd respond by sayinside ofg that "If that's true, than a lot on document must become top-notch to dark-colored and whitened, right? It's even more minimalist and monochromatic and so on and so forth." But it's a pointless discussion. You like what you like and I like what I like and if we kind of like the same thing you might enjoy my art and then we share a private moment of happiness and communication.

How To Take Nudes With Big Boobs

(My first platinum print. It's not very good but it wasn't very hard, either)

How To Take Tasteful Nudes

BW is easier to print than color, for me, because I know how! So I ordered a Bostick and Sullivan pt/ptd kit and picked an old contrasty negative and speed-read the directions and tried a print. I don't know yet. But it nicely came out pretty! Day I had a real eye-opening experience about this the other. So, now I wonder how many of those people who say platinum is hard are just claiming it because they've never tried, or they merely need to sense that what they happen to be carrying out is usually someway considerably more exclusive and essential. I take pleasure in the search of american platinum eagle printing only. I expected a disaster. Consequently when a lot of photographers say something is "artistically challenging" you need to understand that that is entirely in the context of what THEY KNOW HOW TO DO! For years and years I have wanted to try doing platinum/palladium printing. Or maybe it's harder and I just had beginner's luck. I don't have color printing equipment and chemistry, and I learned never.

6 - What kind of subjects except nude and glamour you like to shot ??? Why ???

How To Take Better Nudes

I also really enjoy shooting still-lifes of machines. We used to go to the junk yard and buy old car parts - gears and pistons and so forth - and light and photograph them. We experience little or no simple thought why.

How To Take Good Nudes

I have no idea why.

7 - What do you think of the quick advance of digital photography ??? Is film dead ???

I personally would rather shoot film than digital. But a lot of people would rather capture digital than film. We suspect film will eventually become a craft for the fine artist - just like alternative processes like Cyanotype and Bromoil prints have grow to be. Either is fine. The differences in quality are getting tiny increasingly. That's also fine with me. ! Actually, I think that would be fun. I have an 8x10 view camera and if film dies I'll start making and exposing my own glass plate negatives! I used to dislike digital prints - I still don't make prints of my digital images because I don't like how the quality compares to a fine print on silver paper - but that will change eventually, too. No matter what I'll be able to find something I can work with.

How To Take The Best Nudes

I originally got my digital camera as a kind of fancy light-meter and composition aid. Photoshop opens up new possibilities, too! When We bought my first good digital SLR I discovered that autofocus and autoexposure really open up new possibilities - fast-moving objects and difficult lighting. I just can't understand how someone can complain with all the wonderful tools and possibilities that we have available to us.

8 - If you would have an unique chance to shot a great uber-model, simply like Gisele Bundschen or Naomi Campbel, with no rush, simply no commercial purposes, and one of a kind prospect to hit a fantastic magic size for fun merely ... and you could just use one equipament (body and one lens), or your DSLR with a 512MB card (no download allowed during the photo session) or your old Pentax K1000 with 25 roll of MW film and 25 rolls of BW infrared ... What equip would you use and why ? ?? Why not using the second choice ? ?? ?? Is the equipment determinant for great shots ?

First off, I'd want to shoot Christy Turlington. In retrospect, that's a good thing because the kind of work I was capable of doing at that time would have wasted the opportunity. I actually tried to get her to pose for me back in the early 1990's. That didn't work! That's been a dream of mine!

How To Get A Girl To Send You Nudes

(Christy Turlington, photographed by Richard Avedon)

So, assuming We got the chance, and no rush, I'd want to shoot everything possible! In other words, I tried everything! When I did my shoot of Jewel Shepard, I shot video, 6x6cm infrared and Tmax, 8x10, and 35mm HIE infrared, 8x10 polaroid, and some low-res have been got by me photographs with a little prosumer digicam. Any photographer who says that only one format is best is saying more about his limitations than he is saying about the constraints of other formats. Why not? I've found wonderful things I liked in every one of those formats, even the video - you ever notice that some beautiful women are even more beautiful when they're moving?

But, to answer your question: if I had to limit myself, I'd want my Hasselblad with my 150mm lens, a red filter, and Konica infrared film. If I experienced been firing outside the house in normal lighting, I'd want my Pentax and HIE, and if I were doing grab shots (say, of her walking down the street, naked, in New York) I'd wish my DSLR with the autofocus, autoexposure, and rapid "film advance." For two reasons: 1) Because that's the gear I know best and I'd have the best chance of being happy with the results and 2) Because Christy has beautiful tan skin that would look glorious in Konica infrared, and her darkish tresses with darkish features would furthermore seem wonderful. That's assuming I was shooting in a studio with controlled lighting!

I think that one of the reasons that it's tragic when photographers refuse to try anything except for the one thing they like, is because they ignore the fact that in each situation there may be a piece of gear that is best for that one shot.

How To Take Ass Nudes

9 - A lot of amateur photographer don´t have idea about how to direct models in a nude or glamour photo session ? ?? How do you carry out that ? ?? What strategies and tactics you could instruct ? ?? ?? What is model straightion anyway ?

How To Take Hot Nudes

OK, We will show you my excellent key technique. But as soon as the top secret is definitely out, then simply everyone shall realize how very simple it is and nobody will be impressed simply by my work any longer! :) So don't spread it around too much.

Ask yourself - "why am I shooting nude pictures of this model?" Probably the answer will be "Because she looks good!" So, you've already learned something really important. But once you've answered that question you can ask, "what are some positions in which my favorite body part looks best?" Pose her in that kind of position and then work from there - put the parts you like in the light, the parts you don't in the shadow, or hide them, or whatever. Take a normal body position and accentuate it. Posing a model is sometimes as easy as telling her to "just move around a bit" or "maybe do some stretches, bends, and kneeling stretches" and then see what looks good. Some guys like breasts, some butts, some legs - whatever works for you! She looks good - that's what you're here to do: capture that look and that leads the next question: "what about her looks good to you?" Different guys are going to have different things about a woma goodn that they like to look at!

How To Ask A Girl For Nudes

Another good technique is to look at other people's photos or paintings and think about what you like about them! I constantly liked attractive photographs of ladies kneeling with their butts in the oxygen, their chests and their ribs and breasts highlighted down. After you start collecting images you like these patterns jump out at you. You'll learn about yourself, as well. Then you can start removing elements you creating and like your own work from them. You don't need to copy someone else's do the job but if you look around at all the photos on the 'net, and start asking yourself "what do I like about this?" then you'll learn a tremendous amount.

One of my photographer friends introduced me to a great game we used to play. Others, you look closely and you can see catch-lights in the models' eyes, shadows on the floor, and reflections on shiny objects and go "oho!" that's neat! It's great practice! Some displays happen to be genuinely actually tough to number out! One of us would send the other a photograph, and the person who got the photograph had to look at it, and figure out how the photographer who shot it lit the scene. You learn how to tell what was done with a softbox or an umbrella by the shape of the highlights, and so on.

How To Take Boob Nudes

When I started out with shooting erotic nudes, It was observed by me was hard to get models to visualize the poses that I wanted from them. That way I'd just show the model a photo and say "like this!" She'd interpret the pose in her own way because everyone is different - no 2 photos ever come out exactly the same. Therefore I expended a great deal of moment searching for and prints out pictures that confirmed presents I liked. Check out Hobbyfan or Cody's Coop and look at the resin anime kits and look at some of the wonderful poses that the Japanese come up with. I still keep a stack of printouts in my travel photo kit in case I run out of ideas. Normally I can simply look by it for a few inspiration and seconds will hit. My favorite place for coming up with ideas was by searching the Japanese erotic art sites and garage kit sites.

I had one friend who was photographically stuck in a rut who wanted to start doing nudes. I informed him to go buy a Barbie Doll and spend some right time posing her, lighting her, and doing some macro photos of her. But he was worried about posing his models and learning how to light them. He didn't listen to me, but I thought it was a chooseod idea!

Now that I have more experience I possess found that it's very easy to come up with ideas on the fly. As an ice-breaker I will generally express the type the offer that I would like her to struck! Showing some willingness to relax and be funny about yourself really keeps the mood at a shoot positive and fun. This is a great way of helping the model relax; nothing is funnier than seeing a 40-year-old photographer trying to stand like a sexy girl.

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